Founding of Nike

The Founding Of NIKE

In Greek mythology, NIKE was the winged goddess of victory at Olympus right beside Zeus. Today NIKE is known as a worldwide brand of clothing and sportswear for athletes everywhere and brings them to a new level of standards as a competitor. The ‘SWOOSH’ symbolizes the spirit of the goddess who had the best warriors aT the beginning of time. The ‘SWOOSH’ was created by Caroline Davidson in 1971 but she only earned $35.00 at the time. In the Spring of 1972 the first shoe with the ‘SWOOSH’ on it was created.
At the University of Oregon, was a track coach named Bill Bowerman, who wanted to find a way to make his athletes have better quality running shoes. At the same time Phil Knight (from Beaverton, Oregon)was running track but his quest was to find a way to make a lot of money without giving up his love for athletics. At Stanford, Knight was getting his MBA in the 1960’s, Knight had a project to do and was to devise a small business and a market plan. A few years later Knight went to Japan to have an interview with the Japanese manufacturer-Tiger, and presented the idea for Blue Ribbon Sports. After the interview Knight and Bowerman started their small business in the back of Knight’s car. People started liking their shoes and soon afterward they went from $10 million to $270 million in sales. Blue Ribbon Sports became the world famous NIKE.

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